Tuesday, June 06, 2006

An update, guaranteed to satisfy

So . . .

May has been "major upheaval" month for the Gray household, especially the distaff side of the family. Evie has found her feet, and started to suck her thumb, as well as laughing, giggling, smiling, and even trying to talk back to us when we talk to her. She's also usually covered in a thin sheen of drool/spit-up/healthy baby glow most of the time, depending on how long it has been since she last had a bath (1 day and counting).

We moved last Saturday, to the not-so-distant block of 4400 Beaver, which is about (and I measured this) 0.3 miles away from our old residence. So, there's no Internet connection, no land-phone line, and no washer or dryer at our current abode, though we do have a front and back yard--first time ever. Once the family settles in, I think we'll be pretty happy in our new place. It's bigger, with room to expand our family, if we and God so desire, and it's in a much quiter neighborhood, with small children running around and people out working on their lawns and gardens almost every evening. My goodness--I think I've been domesticated! Seeing as how that was one of my goals, I shouldn't be surprised, of course, but still. If I can figure out this blog thing, and if we ever get the Internet back, I may even post a few pics of our new place. Friends are always welcome to visit.

Updating this blog is now on my list of "Things to do." I'll keep these posts short, and hopefully frequent. And if you're wondering why I didn't comment directly on the lack of posts, it's because I simply don't have a good enough excuse to offer you. Since it's 6/6/06 today, I'll just say that the devil made me do it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I hope that all finds you well in your new home. Anyways, I'll be calling you this weekend to see how you've been doing. Take care my brother.