Friday, March 16, 2007

Hopes and Dreams

Go Fla., Kans., G'Town., A&M!

Just got a call from a couple friends and a family member of mine (I swear I'm not making this up) who are in a bar, enjoying all of the games, and wondering where I am. As I told them, I'm at the same place I was last year--stuck at work and staring at a computer screen.

Let's not let this happen again next year, shall we, future Billy?


ldmiller said...

Amen, I say!!! Will future Billy heed the words of Billy of March Madness Past? One can only hope.

Jess said...

Go Kansas indeed! The Jayhawks looked quite on top of their game yesterday. All of the City of Lawrence rejoiced as the Jayhawks played another great game! Maybe it was Sydney's Jayhawk socks that led them on to victory?!? :)