Thursday, June 02, 2005


"Ideas are infinite, original, and lively divine thoughts. "
--Friedrich Von Schlegel, German Philosopher

What I do in marketing is pretty interesting, somedays. As I've learned by doing the Backpage, and through other endeavors, coming up with new stuff is hard. It's really hard. And so, when I find myself sitting in a room with two other people trying to think of a way to describe dentistry that is both powerful and comforting, I can't help but think back to the days of the Backpage (for those of you who don't know, it was a humor page my friends and I published (I'm still not sure how) on the last page of our college news paper. Some of it was actually funny) and all of the nights I spent eating pizza and telling other Americans whether they were hot or not.

When we finally arrived at a good idea, both at the Backpage and at this meeting I was at today, the feeling was that it was something so completely obvious that we couldn't figure out why we didn't think of it sooner. Of course, it's not as easy as all that. I mean, something like "leaf holocaust" doesn't just hit you out of the blue (unless your name is Lucas). So when we ended up with a good tagline, and a better creative campaign theme, I was pretty happy to be in the business that I'm currently in. Maybe it's not always this fun or satisfying--most days it's more mundane and banal--but from time to time, I can see myself doing this for a while, and liking it, which is the scary thing.

On other random notes, we will be leaving for California tomorrow morning. Please pray for safe travel for us, as well as for the time spent with my parents and Bobbi and Jamie. It's nice to have a vacation, finally. This is the first time that Megan and I will be out in California when it's actually warm. Novel idea, huh? Those of you that live in California, you know what I'm talking about--sun, sand, your mom's cooking, wide freeways and mountain vistas. I'll try to blog from Cali, if only so I don't have a ton of catching up to do with this upon our return.

Till then, take care.


1 comment:

ldmiller said...

Bring your Winonas!