Thursday, November 16, 2006


Too much writing these days. Too much by half.

Apologies to my three faithful fans about letting this little blog choke to death under a dusty pile of indifference. Not much has been going on in my life, at least not much worth reporting. That was my thought, initially, when I sat down to type this little missive. And yet, when I look back on the (yikes!) 2 months since I last posted, a lot has happened.

First, an Evie update for all of you family and friends--she's moved from the sitting up on her own, to the crawling, to the cruising (walking with the help of a (hopefully!) immovable object) stage. She still crawls a bunch--she's a fast little bugger--but she can get around quite well on her own two feet as well. Today (and this is the main reason for this little post) she took a little half step, on her own, for the first time ever. Wow! It's not going to be long before we're all chucking the frisbee at each other as a little family.

Oh, and she has two bottom teeth, smiles a whole bunch, and generally keeps Megan's life at home interesting. Speaking of the Megster, she's doing well. She's been reading a bunch, watching Evie, and generally taking great care of both her and me. What a wonderful gal.

As for me, I've been busy as well. Last week may have been a new record in terms of hours worked on a project--I think I averaged 11 to 12 hour days for four out of five days last week. Thankfully, the push to finish the project has been completed, and I'm more free to do other things, like post to my blog, for example. I've also managed to get some work published in Play magazine, a newsstand and online magazine covering video games, anime, and other assorted things that nerds love. If you'd like to read one of my articles, pick up the mag, or you can just click on the link if you're in Japan like Tony--or if you're just lazy or cheap.

I'll post other reviews as I get them approved by my editor for your reading pleasure.

Ok, next post--a brief history of the adventures at Hillsdale homecoming. Don't worry--it'll just be another month or so before that story gets told.

PS--I did finish that short story--let me get it edited and I'll put it up on the blog.


KI said...

YAY BILLY!!! Finally the sage speaks. Waiting for the Homecoming and short story installments with baited breath -- loves to the Evie and the Megster :-)

Hack said...
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Hack said...

hey dude! great to read your voice after all this time! did my last comment have anything to do with you finally writing something? i suppose not, but i want to think so.... anyway, i'd like to call you sometime in the near future, so email me your phone number. i reckon i have it SOMEWHERE, but... you know how it is. howdy to the ladyfolk in your happy household.

Jess said...

Billy!! I am so excited I found your blog. Now I can see cute pictures of Evie whenever I want and keep up with the family!

ldmiller said...

Glad to see you back. Need more of Billy G (close to Ali G). Need more musing in my life.