Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I wish I had more to say about certain things, and less to say about others. I think that time spent writing in this blog seems awfully hard before I actually get into it, then when I start writing, things loosen up quite a bit. Apologies to all for my absence--if I can figure out how to load pictures here then you'll see some from our recent vacation to Arizona and the Grand Canyon with my side of the family.

We're currently looking to move into a bigger place. The two of us (soon to be three, and becoming more real every day!) will probably need a little bit more space than the current crammed office, crammed bedroom, etc. etc. Interesting how many rental properties are out there. Whenever I see or think about rental properties, I can't help but calculate up how much actual money these landlords are pulling in. Of course, there are probably all sorts of hidden costs in money and time, but on the whole of it, being a landlord or renting a place doesn't seem so bad--you just maintain what you've got, keep your tenants happy, and watch the checks roll in, month after month.

Of the places we've seen, a little rental home close to where we currently live seems the most promising. Interestingly enough, as we were going through it with the owner, she said that she had her first child in this house, then moved away six months later, which is odd because Megan and I may end up doing the same thing.

I'll type up some of my Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos notes for my next post, assuming I ever get around to it.

Oh, and I have a gmail account now, thanks to Josh Walton. If you put your e-mail addy in the comments seciton, I'll send you mail from there so you can have the new address.

1 comment:

BillG said...

Thanks. . . I think. I probably won't be taking you up on that, though.